What a week it has been, we are still reeling from the shock that is God’s and nature’s power. Japan had an earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale. In Kenya that is something we cannot fantom because it has never happened here or to someone we know. Suffice to say if it were to happen in Kenya with our non existent emergency response and politicians who like to milk every sad situation for political gain....tsk!tsk! You be the judge. Furthermore before Japan could catch there breath and take stock of the effects of the earthquake, a tsunami descended on them and wiped out literally villages and towns. It is said there is a village of 15,000 people missing. Let me break it down for you, it’s like the inhabitants of buru buru woke up one day and just up and disappeared. The photos are devastating in effect and makes you want to go into your pocket and donate to the red cross or help people. It’s times like this that we want to go deeper and ask why? Our prayers go out to the people of Japan.
So Libya is still on fire and the chap who wanted to be King of Africa Col. Gadaffi has decided he would rather let the country burn than relinquish power there by proving that once in power you are in it for yourself not for the idiots who may have helped you get there. Remember he came to power in a coup i.e by the gun and by the gun he will be ousted. The world has been watching and since Libya has oil the coalition has decided to bomb Gadaffi (read US, France, Canada and Britain) to “free the people”. I see them only freeing the oil fields. CNN had a stuttering figure over the weekend that it costs France $1 million dollars per tomahawk missile fired and about 2 dozen or so were used over the weekend. That is a colossal figure by any standard. That should be money that can be used to not only sustain and help out other conflict areas in Africa but also feed and reestablish infrastructure that was damaged and thereby helping the people not only the diamond mines and oil we constantly seek. Imagine if that money went to Somalia, Sudan, Ivory Coast etc, where would those countries be today.
UDM a couple of weeks ago claimed they are Part of ODM and want to sue them. Why cant people understand that once you are sacked or not needed, you need to go. I think it is time for us to man up and stop playing the Raila fobia card and do real politics of issues otherwise shut up. On that note Kenyans should ignore politicians without real issues and the media should give them a blackout for a week iliewe funzo.
Wikileaks is still at it and making us aware of the hypocrisy that is our politicians and what they think. Everyone from the AG and Kalonzo to Ngilu and Karua has had there 15 minutes of gaffs with wikileaks. I think one of the most damming was Karuas wikileaks ship which came to dock with alarming revelations that she was one of the master minds of the standard media attack a couple of years ago. It further claimed that she did not want to admit to the police they were involved and wanted more to be done to muffle the media. This is from the same person who now try’s to use the same media she tried to muffle to further her cause in pursuit of the highest office. I'll let you be the judge of this one because as the saying goes pretenders are worse than murders.
In other news the date of reckoning is fast approaching for a season of Ocampo 6. While some say they are ready and others who claimed they were ready and willing now claim they have exams and cannot make it or the fare is too high. Listen KCPE and KCSE are conducted once a year...and furthermore kindly recall loose lips sink ships...need I say more? My question is this of the 6, why do we only have 2 idiots going around being abusive and complaining the loudest instead of walking into the Hague and convincing us of your innocence from where it counts?
Cairo is the largest city in Africa with a population of 9.2 million people. If a city of 9.2 million can force the hand of it's president who they considered a dictator, why cant a country of 40 million people stand up and say enough is enough, either do right by the country and it's citizens or take early retirement. Start implementing the constitution, sack the idiots you employ who are corrupt, eat humble pie moreover sack the few Hague 6 still employed by your government till they are vindicated. As Ruto keeps telling us “mambo ya Hague ni madogo tuu”, an indication of what he thinks of the process and the fact that many Kenyans lost there lives needlessly.
There are more serious issues in Kenya with over 6 million people unemployed, price of food stuff and fuel going up and a drought looming and showing us the ineptitude of the people governing us. Fight poverty, stop corruption and impunity and, create jobs other wise as the song goes “under the mango tree..., is where we will find you...., under the mango tree...., is where you will be...