
My view
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Attitude Kenya: Where does time go?
Attitude Kenya: Where does time go?: It’s been 5 years since I sat down and posted anything on this blog, reason being…well, I really don’t have an answer. Maybe it was commit...
Where does time go?
It’s been 5 years since I sat down and posted anything on this blog, reason being…well, I really don’t have an answer. Maybe it was commitments, lethargy, boredom, lack of creative juices, a hangie, and a plan from you guy my guy squad or just a many numbers of things. So why after all this time do you ask is he posting anything? The answer is simple, I bumped into a friend and he reminded me of my “crazy” days as he called it, the 1001 Ideas I had, the laughter he got by reading the stories and at the same time he shared with me how life has changed and how important humor is in most life. Long story short, I listened and decided let’s see if I can still spin a story.
In those 5 years I have grown, yes sounds like the usual cliché of the ME Movement, but I really have. I will not say I stopped drinking, I just stopped partaking in certain brands and establishments so as to stop the cat and mouse games with Kirinyaga breweries (I will not name brands). I was once married (now I have pressure from family members saying living alone can lead to death and the cat eating your remains when you die before we find you. As if I look like I can buy a cat as a companion). Created a new business from what I used to do and wanted to be a titan of industry in my little corner of sharas… till the economy came calling for its pound of flesh (everyone wants to be a tenderpreneur, what they forget to tell you is what happens when you have not been paid for a long time). I got to indulge in my hobby of traveling and enjoyed different places, people and culture (lesson learned, we live a sheltered life in Kenya plus scorpions are considered food in some places).
As for Kenya, I have seen many an idea/ business start and close just as fast as you get comfortable (banks, supermarkets, J’s Karen, you grew up to fast….it’s still early days at J’s 2.0). I have seen the depths to which our political animals take us and bring us back with a handshake…if only certain things in life could be wiped away and forgotten with a handshake (do you recall teargas Thursday and Monday). I have seen a grown man been given a wedgy like a class 8 student on the closing day all the while yelling I am not boarding and still board anyway ( he won a lawsuit that gives him money to buy new shoes seeing he left the other ones at JKIA). I have seen the extent to which greed can take us in the name of corruption and tenderpreneurs till you just want to yell pax (the “mahewa” generation, carrying millions in sacks, loaning each other tens of millions like its 1k for a pint or fuel). We have been taught that the word a billion should not shock us or be as astounding as it once was (every day you hear of theft of public resources and the only constant word is BILLIONS). We elected clowns to run our counties in the name of governors and now we act shocked by the day to day shenanigans and lack of services (they now compete in who can give the shoddiest services and get away with it). This lends credence that Karen association might have been right all those years ago when they stopped paying taxes for non-existent services.
It’s been a very interesting period in Kenyans lives and as we claim change that is just the same like wearing a torn sock on one foot and changing to the next thinking we have solved the issue, we approach yet another election in a couple of years knowing the script will be the same, the monkeys the same and the voting pattern predictable like the sun rising in the east.
I leave you with the new Kenyan mantra now better known than the national anthem... Bado, bora uhai.
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