Fear is the lack of knowledge. We fear what we do not understand, for example, we fear death, we fear going to somewhere new, we fear people we don’t understand and that's what leads us to our narrow points of views. In Kenya we fear our political class and don't understand them neither do they attempt to be understood. The enigma they surround themselves with helps them stay in office, which was until the Kenyan people learned their rights and got a new constitution. In about a year we will be going to the polls to elect the third president of the republic of Kenya in the transitional elections come August 2012 and as the situation stands, we have a cacophony of imperfect, fictitious and impracticable candidates who stand on the strands of their tribal backgrounds, characters and want to rule us by hook or crook. They lack moral character, patriotism even though they chant it at every opportunity, confidence and experience in being a leader. Being a politician does not necessarily make you a good leader. Like a good wine that matures with time, I say politicians will also get better with time and experience but as is evident in Kenya they become worse. We have been talking about mpigs and the tax issue but withdrawing the focus from the real issues such as insecurity, inflation, escalating prices of goods and most importantly the glaring inequalities in the trillion shilling budget.
In Kenya it pays to be an MP and have the ability to make noise like parrot. To date only about 30 mpigs have paid taxes, while the rest sit on their Asses and claim they will censure the president and prime minister for doing the right thing. Since when did it become acceptable to not do the right thing and complain about those who do so? It’s like a thief complaining that he should not be jailed because his neighbor did not go and rob someone when the opportunity presented itself. To you mpigs who have defied the taxman and stay defiant, I say your days are numbered and as such I see many of you languishing in your homes come the next transitional elections and wondering how to pay off the silly loans you have accumulated in your quest to be king greedy.
The federation of women lawyers in Kenya-FIDA is at it again. Lately since Kenya got a new constitution, they have taken to making it a point to contest every appointment the president makes. Citing lack of gender balance. In this case they have decided the recent appointment of military officers who will be in charge of the country in the next transitional elections should be nullified because there was no woman appointed. At the risk of drawing fire (pun intended) from the female readers, if a woman wants to be appointed to head the military or top positions in the military, they must prove themselves, join early and stay late. It is a mans world after all and they must play by the rules and stop using the gender card. As Kwamchesti Makokha said in politically correct last week, and I quote "putting women in charge would demoralize the country's defense forces, make them drink less beer, be overcome by cowardice to the point of fearing to die for their country."
Our “favorite” so called youth leader is back in the spot light for all that is wrong in moral standing and fiber in the youth today. First off the Mpig Sonko double parked his Subaru forester on Moi Avenue and went off to do some window-shopping. Upon returning he found the city council chaps had clamped his car tire and instead of acting like the rest of the mwananchi of Kenya and going to pay his fine for committing an offense, he decided the best course of action was to get his bodyguards to break the clamp in full glare of the amused public and ride off with the clamp into the sunset as a trophy. The next day, Sonko dressed like a reggae rafian complete with fake braided hair and bling, proceeded to Continental House, the offices of the mpigs and give an impromptu press conference declaring that if the police want to arrest him for destruction of council property and stealing it, they can do so. In addition he also dared the head of his sponsoring party Martha Karua to kick him out of the party if she so wanted. To the police and Kanjo, arrest him and show no one is above the law, to Martha for the sake of your piece of mind and not to be associated with this mad man who will eventually taint your image if he has not already done so, kick him out and move on.
Granted no one who drives likes the kanjo people, when the public sees a so called “leader” and member of parliament breaking the law blatantly and with impunity they have to be asking themselves why do I have to play by the rules when others clearly do not. Rules are meant to govern a society and keep law and order. Imagine a lawless community that resembles the stories we hear, read and see on the TV of areas like Turkana, Northern Kenya and Somalia as a place to live. The words dead, buried and pushing up daisies comes to mind.